Tag Archives: liberty masssage

Merry Christmas from Back and Bodyworks, Kansas City’s Premier Massage and Acupuncture Location

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Get Your Body In Harmony At Back And Bodyworks Kansas City’s Massage, Acupuncture, Reiki and Eden Energy Headquarters

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Acupuncturist In Kansas City Questions and Answers: Back and Bodyworks Kansas City Massage


Q & A with Sarah Fruetel, Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture at Back and Bodyworks, voted #1 for Massage in Kansas City.

What is acupuncture/Chinese Medicine?
Acupuncture is a part of Chinese Medicine and has been practiced in Asia for thousands of years.  Chinese Medicine envisions the body, mind, and spirit as a whole.  Chinese Medicine aims to restore the whole system into its intended dynamic balance, which allows one to adapt to the changes around himself.

Sarah Fruetel MSOM

How does acupuncture work?
In Chinese Medicine there is a saying of when there is pain there is no free flow, without free flow there is pain.  In Chinese Medicin

e theory, the body is mapped with channels or meridians.  Each meridian is connected to one specific organ, or group of organs that govern particular bodily functions. Acupuncture points are located along these meridians. When the needle is inserted, it influences the network/organ to which it is connected and that helps to promote the flow of energy in the body.
What does acupuncture feel like?
Many first-time patients are concerned that acupuncture needles will feel like a hypodermic injection at the doctor’s office. They won’t. Acupuncture uses sterile, hair-thin, flexible needles that are barely felt upon insertion and  are stimulated to produce a unique sensation.  These sensations vary from a tingling and dull ache to heaviness.

How many treatments are needed?
Everyone is different requiring varying degrees of treatment.  A general rule is the more complicated or chronic a condition the more treatments are neccessary.  Treatments are cumulative, so it is important to keep up the treatment plan for a lasting effect.

How do I choose an acupuncturist?
It is most important to have a board certified and licensed practitioner.  This ensures the acupuncturist has had clinical training met by state and national standards.  Simply ask the practitioner or visit http://www.aaaomonline.org/ to find a certified practitioner in your area.  There are many different types of acupuncturists.  Be sure to find one that is right for you, someone with whom you feel comfortable and at ease to ask questions.

Is acupuncture safe?
Acupuncture is a safe procedure which uses sterile needles, even more reasons to find a certified practitioner.  This requires the practitioner has completed Clean Needle Technique certification and proper training in the anatomy of the human, ensuring your safety.

What is herbal medicine?
Herbs have been used in many cultures around the world for thousands of years.  Herbs are a strong adjunct to an acupuncture treatment.  By using mostly plant leaves, seeds, roots, flowers and other natural ingredients together, powerfully direct the body to heal itself.  Often if a condition is mild enough then only dietary therapy will be prescribed, but if the condition is severe enough, then herbal remedies are prescribed.

What can Chinese Medicine treat?
Chinese Medicine can treat a myriad of conditions.  The World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes acupuncture as a treatment to many ailments:

•    Drug-free pain relief
•    Sports injury
•    Chronic pain
•    Plantar fascitis
•    Respiratory disorders
•    Infertility
•    Menstrual pain
•    Menopausal complications
•    Digestive disorders
•    Anxiety
•    Stress
•    Fatigue
•    Dizziness
•    Shingles
•    and so much more!

If you are interested in a consultation to determine if you are a candidate for accupuncture, please feel free to contact us at Back and Bodyworks


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Massage Kansas City? Back and Bodyworks Offers A Variety Of Services


Voted #1 for Massage in Kansas City’s Northland

There’s no Denying the Power of Massage

Regardless of the adjectives we assign to it (pampering, rejuvenating, therapeutic) or the reasons we seek it out (a luxurious treat, stress relief, pain management), massage therapy can be a powerful ally in your healthcare regimen.

Experts estimate that upwards of ninety percent of disease is stress related. And perhaps nothing ages us faster, internally and externally, than high stress. While eliminating anxiety and pressure altogether in this fast-paced world may be idealistic, massage can, without a doubt, help manage stress. This translates into:

Decreased anxiety Increased Circulation Enhanced sleep quality
Greater energy Reduced Fatigue Improved Concentration


Increase the Benefits with Frequent Visits

Getting a massage can do you a world of good. And getting massage frequently can do even more. This is the beauty of bodywork. Taking part in this form of regularly scheduled self-care can play a huge part in how healthy you’ll be and how youthful you’ll remain with each passing year. Budgeting time and money for bodywork at consistent intervals is truly an investment in your health. And remember: just because massage feels like a pampering treat doesn’t mean it is any less therapeutic. Consider massage appointments a necessary piece of your health and wellness plan, and work with your practitioner to establish a treatment schedule that best meets your needs.


Our therapists use their unique knowledge of modalities to customize a massage perfect for your specific needs.

Swedish Massage

This classic European body massage technique uses soothing, relaxing strokes to increase circulation, improve skin and muscle tone, and achieve total relaxation.

Prenatal Massage (Pregnancy Massage)

During pregnancy, the weight has shifted drastically in a woman’s body. Weight has been added to the belly, which puts a large strain on the back. Pregnancy can also be a very stressful time emotionally. Massage therapy, both before and after birth, can help relieve these strains in an extremely comfortable way.
Prenatal massage therapy focuses on the special needs of the mother-to-be. While providing emotional support and nurturing touches, it provides relaxation by relieving stress on joints, eases neck and back pain, helps to keep good posture and relaxes and provides flexibility to birthing muscles. Massage can aid the circulatory and lymphatic systems, which can keep blood flowing to both the mother and the baby, and reduce fatigue. It stimulates different glands in the body, which help to stabilize hormone levels, and relieves nervous tension throughout the body.  Only available after the first trimester.  A special Body Cushion is used to keep the mother-to-be comfortably positioned on her side, with pillows to support the arms and legs, making her feel completely supported for complete relaxation.

Sports Massage

Sports massage is designed to help athletes prepare their bodies for optimal performance, recover after a big event, or function well during training.  But you don’t have to be in the Olympics to benefit from sports massage.  Sports massage is also good for people with injuries, chronic pain or restricted range of motion.

Deep Tissue

Deep tissue massage is a type of massage aimed at the deeper tissue structures of the muscle and fascia, also called connective tissue. Deep tissue massage uses many of the same movements and techniques as Swedish Massage, but the pressure will generally be more intense. It is also a more focused type of massage, as our therapists work to release chronic muscle tension or knots.

Couples Massage

Relax and unwind together. Our Couples Massage is a wonderful way for couples to spend quiet time, each benefiting from the therapeutic results of massage while experiencing total relaxation together, side-by-side. This intimate setting offers two massage tables, two therapists, and one very relaxing atmosphere.

Butter Cream Experience Enhancer

Adding the velvety rich massage butter to your massage will melt away your stress and tension.  This moisturizing mixture will soothe, tone, hydrate and soften the skin.

Pure Decadence Package

60 min Warm Buttered Stone Massage, and Hand & Foot paraffin dips

Warm Buttered Stones (Hot Stone Massage)

Feel your cares melt away as you experience the combination of traditional stone massage with essential oils of cinnamon, clove and arnica. This experience is deeply relaxing and ultra hydrating.  You will feel warm and cozy inside and out!

Belavi Facelift Massage

The famous Belavi Facelift Massage is the most luxurious safe and effective method of treating the facial muscles without surgery.  We invite you to experience this incredible 90 minute session, dedicated to pampering, but also effectively firming, toning, and lifting the muscles of the face. You will feel relaxed AND REJUVENATED!


Visit our website: www.backandbodyworks.com  or give us a call: 816-420-8800

Kansas City’s Massage Authority Talks About Osteoarthritis & Massages


www.backandbodyworks.comOsteoarthritis affects 12% of Americans between ealry teens and their mid-70’s.

What exactly is it?  It’s the condition that occurs when the cartilage cushions between joints break down causing pain and stiffness.

Massage:  Osteoarthritis responds well to massage.  The pain is relieved as the muscles surrounding the joints relax, allowing for better range of motion.
All of Back and Bodyworks massage therapists are licensed massage therapists. (LMT)  You should always make sure that your massage therapist is licensed even more importantly when you are dealing with something like Osteoarthritis.  LMT’s know how to manipulate the muscles to help your situation in the best way possible.

Back and Bodywork was voted #1 for massage in Kansas City’s Northland. If your back and body hurt, come see Back and Bodyworks!  816-420-8800

Nurse owned and operated since 1999.  LIKE us on Faceboook!

Needing A Massage In Kansas City? Back and Bodyworks Wins Best of Kansas City’s Northland For Massage


It was such a pleasure to spend such a lovely evening last night at Conrad’s in Liberty at the Best of the Northland (BOTN) awards celebration.  Yes, Back and Bodyworks received GOLD , so again this year we are Best in Kansas City’s Northland for massage. 

It’s a great feeling to lead in the Northland with other Besties like Auctioneer Jeff Cates, Chiropractor Bruce Rippee at Chiropractic Life Center, Gladstone Flowers and Smokehouse B.B.Q. just to name a few.  Being a cornerstone of Clay county makes us very proud.

The awards ceremony was amazing, the food was plenty!  Beautifully arranged fruit trays, veggie trays, cheeses and mountains of turkey or ham sandwiches. Everything was stacked high and enough to make your mouth water!

Back and Bodyworks Massage has been located in Gladstone since 1999.  Nurse owned and operating on the premise of helping individuals enjoy proactive health.

We have four massage therapists at the current time, each trained in swedish, deep tissue, sports, prenatal and therapeutic massage.  In addition they are all trained in reflexology for your feet.

We do not require our clients to sign a contract and we don’t ask to automatically withdraw a monthly amount from your checking account. Our system is simple.  Come once a month and you get a discount on your monthly massage.

All of the therapist have been at Back and Bodyworks for a number of years and have great rapport with their clients.  If you are in Kansas City or any surrounding area, we would love to be your go-to place for massage.

Kansas City’s Premier Massage – Back and Bodyworks Talks About What Is The Myofacial System


What is the myofacial system?  Tensiontherapy.com describes it as, “Think of the Myofascial System as a skin-tight mesh spider suit from head to toe. The Myofascial System is the most pervasive muscle tissue system in our bodies extending throughout our body in a non-specific direction. It is composed of collagen and elastin fibers that provide elasticity and support for the entire musculoskeletal system. This three level matrix of sorts connects every cell to every other cell within our entire body, bones, muscles, organs, skin etc. Perhaps the most important quality of the fascia tissue is that it records all physical, mental, emotional, and cognitive activity.”

What is the myofacial release technique in massage?  Registered Massage Therapist Marsha Clarke  (http://marshaclarkermt.com)

According to the founder of Myofascial Release John F. Barnes (2009), “Myofascial Release is a very effective hands-on technique that provides sustained pressure into myofascial restrictions to eliminate pain and restore motion. The theory of Myofascial Release requires an understanding of the fascial system (or connective tissue).”

Fascia is a thin connective tissue that covers all the organs of the body including the heart, lungs, brain, and spinal cord. This tissue covers every muscle and every fiber within each muscle, bone, nerve, artery, and vein. The fascial system is the only continuous structure that exists from head to toe without interruption (Barnes, 2009).

John F. Barnes, P.T., L.M.T., N.C.T.M.B. in an article he wrote goes on to question whether the mind resides in the myofacial system.  His experience has been that consciousness infuses our entire being.

He goes on to say, “For years I have taught that fascia, on the microscopic level, is actually a three-dimensional web of tiny, hollow tubules filled with fluid, which carries information. This information, in the form of thermal, electromagnetic and mechanical energy, is transmitted to all aspects of the mind-body complex via myofascial release for healing on the deepest level.”

All of our therapists here at Back and Bodyworks are experienced with myofacial release.  If you have questions about it, please be sure and ask them about it on your next visit.

Be sure to follow us on Facebook  <a rel=”author” href=”https://plus.google.com/103208557277592501319″>Backand Bodyworks on Google+</a>

Vertical Aeroponics Gardening At Kansas City’s Back And Bodyworks Massage


We’re just in the tenth week of our Tower Garden here at Back and Bodyworks Massage in Kansas City.  We’ve really enjoyed watching the plants pop up and take off.  We are at kind of a handicap here in that we cannot leave our Tower Garden outside and we are depending on a grow light and morning sunlight that comes in the window.

Sharon, the Founder of Back and Bodyworks, has a Tower Garden at her home that she is able to keep outside.  Real sunshine I believe makes a world of difference.  That’s why this vertical aeroponic growing system, called the Tower Garden, is perfect for a patio, deck, porch, balcony or rooftop.

Here’s a picture of Sharon’s from two weeks ago.  As you can see it is really full and flourishing.  Here’s a blog post about some other people with Tower Gardens. Vertical Veggies

Tower Garden

Being A Massage Therapist Is Not A Sexy Job


With all the news lately of Lifetime’s “The Client List” shedding a dim light on massage therapy then, just today, John Travolta being sued for two million dollars by someone he paid to give him a massage, I thought it a good time to touch on the way legal and professional massage therapists, like we have at Back and Bodyworks, feel about this type of darkness on their profession.www.facebook.com/backandbodyworks

The State of Missouri requires a minimum of 500 hours to complete massage therapy school.  Most schools add on to that amount.  Then there is testing to pass, local and national.  In addition to that you have to be licensed and do continuing education and be insured.

Massage therapists who live massage, like ours do, do it to help individuals with pain, to help people heal naturally and to relieve stress and tension or to widen the road to recovery for athletes or accident victims.

To be quite honest, it saddens our therapists to have a lesser standard of ethics portrayed of them in the media.  There isn’t much we can do to combat the world against trying to make the profession questionable other that speak out and educate the public how hard these individuals work to get where they are and abiding by a strong code of ethics.

We all work with all walks of life in our professions and I believe that massage therapists should be commended for continuing to do the good work!