Acupuncturist In Kansas City Questions and Answers: Back and Bodyworks Kansas City Massage


Q & A with Sarah Fruetel, Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture at Back and Bodyworks, voted #1 for Massage in Kansas City.

What is acupuncture/Chinese Medicine?
Acupuncture is a part of Chinese Medicine and has been practiced in Asia for thousands of years.  Chinese Medicine envisions the body, mind, and spirit as a whole.  Chinese Medicine aims to restore the whole system into its intended dynamic balance, which allows one to adapt to the changes around himself.

Sarah Fruetel MSOM

How does acupuncture work?
In Chinese Medicine there is a saying of when there is pain there is no free flow, without free flow there is pain.  In Chinese Medicin

e theory, the body is mapped with channels or meridians.  Each meridian is connected to one specific organ, or group of organs that govern particular bodily functions. Acupuncture points are located along these meridians. When the needle is inserted, it influences the network/organ to which it is connected and that helps to promote the flow of energy in the body.
What does acupuncture feel like?
Many first-time patients are concerned that acupuncture needles will feel like a hypodermic injection at the doctor’s office. They won’t. Acupuncture uses sterile, hair-thin, flexible needles that are barely felt upon insertion and  are stimulated to produce a unique sensation.  These sensations vary from a tingling and dull ache to heaviness.

How many treatments are needed?
Everyone is different requiring varying degrees of treatment.  A general rule is the more complicated or chronic a condition the more treatments are neccessary.  Treatments are cumulative, so it is important to keep up the treatment plan for a lasting effect.

How do I choose an acupuncturist?
It is most important to have a board certified and licensed practitioner.  This ensures the acupuncturist has had clinical training met by state and national standards.  Simply ask the practitioner or visit to find a certified practitioner in your area.  There are many different types of acupuncturists.  Be sure to find one that is right for you, someone with whom you feel comfortable and at ease to ask questions.

Is acupuncture safe?
Acupuncture is a safe procedure which uses sterile needles, even more reasons to find a certified practitioner.  This requires the practitioner has completed Clean Needle Technique certification and proper training in the anatomy of the human, ensuring your safety.

What is herbal medicine?
Herbs have been used in many cultures around the world for thousands of years.  Herbs are a strong adjunct to an acupuncture treatment.  By using mostly plant leaves, seeds, roots, flowers and other natural ingredients together, powerfully direct the body to heal itself.  Often if a condition is mild enough then only dietary therapy will be prescribed, but if the condition is severe enough, then herbal remedies are prescribed.

What can Chinese Medicine treat?
Chinese Medicine can treat a myriad of conditions.  The World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes acupuncture as a treatment to many ailments:

•    Drug-free pain relief
•    Sports injury
•    Chronic pain
•    Plantar fascitis
•    Respiratory disorders
•    Infertility
•    Menstrual pain
•    Menopausal complications
•    Digestive disorders
•    Anxiety
•    Stress
•    Fatigue
•    Dizziness
•    Shingles
•    and so much more!

If you are interested in a consultation to determine if you are a candidate for accupuncture, please feel free to contact us at Back and Bodyworks


#backandbodyworks #kansascitymassage #massagekansascity #sarahfruetel

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