Tag Archives: acupuncture

Young Living Essential Oils Can Be Ordered From Back and Bodyworks Massage











Yes, Young Living Essential Oils can now be ordered from Back and Bodyworks Massage, Voted #1 for Massage in Kansas City’s Northland!

Not familiar with Essential Oils?  Allow us to give you a little background…


Essential oils are considered mankind’s first medicine and have been used around the world for centuries. Essential oils and other aromatics have been used in religious rituals, to treat various illnesses, and for other physical and spiritual needs.

Research dates the use of essential oils back to 4500 BC. Ancient Egyptians were the first to discover the potential of fragrance, and records demonstrate that oils and aromatics were used for treating illness and performing rituals and religious ceremonies in temples and pyramids. In fact, three oils that are still commonly used today—cedarwood, myrrh, and frankincense—were used in the embalming process.[1]

According to ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics and Chinese manuscripts, priests and physicians used oils thousands of years before the time of Christ. There are more than 188 references to oils in the Bible, and some precious oils like frankincense, myrrh, rosemary, cassia, and cinnamon were used for the anointing and healing of the sick. Additionally, biblical prophets recognised the use of essential oils as protection against disease.

The reintroduction of essential oils into modern medicine first began during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Since that time essential oils have been used traditionally to kill harmful germs, as well as spiritually to balance mood, lift spirits, and dispel negative emotions.

We’ve used oils that have helped with muscle aches and pains, dispel germs, enhance clarity and mood.  It’s amazing what they can do.

If you have questions or need more information on Young Living Essential Oils, please feel free to call us at 815-420-8800





Raindrop Technique in Kansas City by Back and Bodyworks Massage



It will only be about a week or more before Back and Bodyworks Massage begins offering the Raindrop Technique for individuals in Kansas City, Missouri and surrounding areas.  Sharon Schneider, owner and Registered Nurse, was exceedingly pleased with the quality of the Young Living Oils and impressed with their ability to do what they claim.  Schneider says, “Here at Back and Bodyworks our customers are our number one concern, so it was important to us to be using Pure, Grade A, Therapeutic essential oils from Young Living.”

Back and Bodyworks is also a distributor of Young Living oils and able to order you any oils you are in need of.

If Back and Bodyworks, voted #1 for massage in Kansas City’s Northland, can help you with your oil needs, just give them a call at 816-420-8800.

Visit us on Facebook!

Kansas City Acupuncture and Infertility


Kansas City AcupunctureI have been having a lot of calls here at Back and Bodyworks regarding infertility and acupuncture.

As early as 2008 a study was completed that included 1,366 women in the western world.  In all of the studies some women received traditional acupuncture right before or right after receiving IVF embryo transfer and the remaining women got sham acupuncture or no acupuncture at all.  The results were conclusive among the women who got acupuncture and IVF, the rates of getting pregnant were 65% higher.

Acupuncture for fertility is probably the most recognized and popular alternative treatment for those trying to get pregnant.

More and more fertility clinics are recommending acupuncture along with IVF and IUI.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) theory, it’s been said that there is no such thing as “infertility.”

The reason is because Traditional Chinese Medicine is founded on theory of balance.  A women’s inability to conceive is considered an “imbalance,” that needs to be rectified.

Generally speaking TCM treats the body’s root imbalances and the body’s symptoms of imbalance are alleviated.  This theory applies to fertility as much as any other condition.

Remember a 15 minute consultation with me, Sarah Fruetel Kansas City Acupuncturist and Chinese Medicine Master at Back and Bodyworks in free of charge.  If you would like to discuss the possibility of you being a candidate for acupuncture just give us a call at 816-420-8800 and set up a consultation.

Until next time…. may your complete body remain in balance.


Energize Your Health in 2013 – Ancient Healing Modalities For Your Future Wellness – Kansas City Massage and Acupuncture


Back and Bodyworks is holding an open house to let you experience Ancient Healing Modalities for Your Future Wellness.  They will be offering free chair massages, demonstrations on acupuncture and energy work, food, drink give-aways and more!  Go to our FACEBOOK page under events to join the event!~Screen Shot 2013-01-14 at 7.14.08 AM

Kansas City Acupuncture @Back and Bodyworks Helps Reverse Plantar Fasciitis

Call Back & Bodyworks at 816-420-8800 to schedule a free consultation with Sarah Fruetel to see if you are a candidate for acupuncture

Call Back & Bodyworks at 816-420-8800 to schedule a free consultation with Sarah Fruetel to see if you are a candidate for acupuncture

The latest research has concluded that acupuncture is an effective treatment for plantar fasciitis.

Plantar fasciitis usually presents itself as pain on the bottom of the foot and heel. Sometimes excruciating pain that doesn’t seem to be fazed by any typical type of pain reliever.

In a controlled clinical investigation a group treated with acupuncture showed siginificant reduction in foot pain compared to those treated with traditional medications.

Another recent study proved that acupuncture is an effective form of relief for plantar heel pain.

Both studies concurred that acupuncture was more successful in improving the condition over a regime of non-steroidal, anti-inflamatory medications.

If you are faced with this condition my advise is try acupuncture first before you try that steroid shot in your foot.


Back and Bodyworks Voted #1 for Massage in Kansas City’s Northland now offers Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine by Sarah Fruetel.  Sarah is also an herbalist.

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Kansas City Acupuncturist Performs Cupping at Kansas City’s Massage Location: Back and Bodyworks


Sarah Fruetel

Sarah Fruetel

Cupping is an ancient chinese medicine practice where you apply suction cups to the body. Although it may look painful, it’s actually great at relieving pain.

There are a number of theories on how cupping works to relieve pain. A widely held one is that suction on the skin increases blood flow to the area and creates a mild immune response. It also helps release fascia, connective tissue that can pull on muscles causing pain or limited motion.image-3

Another purpose of cupping is to pull blood and body fluids up to the surface of the skin, removing it from stuck areas like swollen knee joints or frozen shoulders. As a result, cupping will often produce a red or purple circle upon the skin that may take a few days to heal. These circles are only dark colored if the area that is cupped has “stuck” body fluids and blood. You should expect some circular discoloration or bruising if you are cupped. Keep in mind, this is only occurring because stuck fluids and blood congeal and act like glue, keeping joints stiff and swollen and gluing muscle fibers. These circular discolorations and bruising occur in the process of drawing these stuck fluids and blood out of injured areas – they are part of the healing process.

image-1As you improve with each treatment, the circular discolorations will become less and less red. Everyone heals at their own pace, and some of the healing will also depend on how physically active you are, how well you treat your body (diet, posture, stress levels), and how often you come to therapy. Bottom line, this is your healing process, and your treatment, so you have to honor your body and accept however long it takes to get better.

Usually the cups remain on the body for 15-20 minutes. When they are removed they leave a red circular mark. In fact Gwyneth Paltrow caused a stir when she appeared with cupping marks on her back at a movie screening in New York in 2004.

Back and Bodywork’s Sarah Fruetel does cupping and has seen amazing progress with this technique.

Get Your Body In Harmony At Back And Bodyworks Kansas City’s Massage, Acupuncture, Reiki and Eden Energy Headquarters

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Acupuncturist In Kansas City Questions and Answers: Back and Bodyworks Kansas City Massage


Q & A with Sarah Fruetel, Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture at Back and Bodyworks, voted #1 for Massage in Kansas City.

What is acupuncture/Chinese Medicine?
Acupuncture is a part of Chinese Medicine and has been practiced in Asia for thousands of years.  Chinese Medicine envisions the body, mind, and spirit as a whole.  Chinese Medicine aims to restore the whole system into its intended dynamic balance, which allows one to adapt to the changes around himself.

Sarah Fruetel MSOM

How does acupuncture work?
In Chinese Medicine there is a saying of when there is pain there is no free flow, without free flow there is pain.  In Chinese Medicin

e theory, the body is mapped with channels or meridians.  Each meridian is connected to one specific organ, or group of organs that govern particular bodily functions. Acupuncture points are located along these meridians. When the needle is inserted, it influences the network/organ to which it is connected and that helps to promote the flow of energy in the body.
What does acupuncture feel like?
Many first-time patients are concerned that acupuncture needles will feel like a hypodermic injection at the doctor’s office. They won’t. Acupuncture uses sterile, hair-thin, flexible needles that are barely felt upon insertion and  are stimulated to produce a unique sensation.  These sensations vary from a tingling and dull ache to heaviness.

How many treatments are needed?
Everyone is different requiring varying degrees of treatment.  A general rule is the more complicated or chronic a condition the more treatments are neccessary.  Treatments are cumulative, so it is important to keep up the treatment plan for a lasting effect.

How do I choose an acupuncturist?
It is most important to have a board certified and licensed practitioner.  This ensures the acupuncturist has had clinical training met by state and national standards.  Simply ask the practitioner or visit http://www.aaaomonline.org/ to find a certified practitioner in your area.  There are many different types of acupuncturists.  Be sure to find one that is right for you, someone with whom you feel comfortable and at ease to ask questions.

Is acupuncture safe?
Acupuncture is a safe procedure which uses sterile needles, even more reasons to find a certified practitioner.  This requires the practitioner has completed Clean Needle Technique certification and proper training in the anatomy of the human, ensuring your safety.

What is herbal medicine?
Herbs have been used in many cultures around the world for thousands of years.  Herbs are a strong adjunct to an acupuncture treatment.  By using mostly plant leaves, seeds, roots, flowers and other natural ingredients together, powerfully direct the body to heal itself.  Often if a condition is mild enough then only dietary therapy will be prescribed, but if the condition is severe enough, then herbal remedies are prescribed.

What can Chinese Medicine treat?
Chinese Medicine can treat a myriad of conditions.  The World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes acupuncture as a treatment to many ailments:

•    Drug-free pain relief
•    Sports injury
•    Chronic pain
•    Plantar fascitis
•    Respiratory disorders
•    Infertility
•    Menstrual pain
•    Menopausal complications
•    Digestive disorders
•    Anxiety
•    Stress
•    Fatigue
•    Dizziness
•    Shingles
•    and so much more!

If you are interested in a consultation to determine if you are a candidate for accupuncture, please feel free to contact us at Back and Bodyworks


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Kansas City Acupuncturist At Back And Bodyworks Kansas City Massage Talks About What To Expect At Your First Session


Sarah Fruetel MSOM

Sarah Fruetel has joined Back and Bodyworks as a Master of Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture….

What To Expect At Your First Acupuncture Session from our Sarah Fruetel…
What to expect

First Session
The first treatment starts with a thorough medical history and in-depth assessment of your condition. This usually takes 45 minutes, f

ollowed by another 30 to 45 minutes of treatment time. On the first appointment, please arrive 15 minutes early to complete the initial intake. All appointments after, require much less questioning and time.During the first appointment, it may seem that unconventional questions are asked, but they are important to help assess for a complete Chinese Medical diagnosis. These questions are based around lifestyle, sleep, emotions, digestion, etc. It is important to note that everyone expresses patterns of disharmony in unique ways based on his or her own constitution and the time it takes for the resolution for each person varies. This evaluation will be assessed and I will explain the treatment plan.

How to prepare
• Be sure to wear something comfortable and preferably loose so access for needling is available.


• Bring a list of all medications you take
• Feel free to bring any questions
• Eat a small snack before treatment
• Note any changes following the treatment
• No partying or heavy exercise following a treatment

What to expect after treatment
Individual responses vary, however the most common is a relaxed state. Some change for the better is always important. It is also important to keep up with the treatment plan so that every treatment can build on the previous rather than starting over every session

Follow-up treatments
Each acupuncture treatment will vary depending on the individual or the condition and may include a combination of acupuncture, herbal medicine, and/or cupping. Acupuncture needles are typically retained for about 15-30 minutes. The goal is to offer a healthy and comfortable treatment environment. Some people even find themselves falling asleep during their acupuncture treatment. A follow up with a re-evaluation is done every 3 to 4 treatments to keep you on the path to wellness.

If you would be intrested in a free consultation to see if you are a candidate for acupuncture, please feel free to call us at Back and Bodyworks 816-420-8800 or you may schedule online on our Facebook page.