Tag Archives: kansas city acupuncture

Kansas City Acupuncture and Infertility


Kansas City AcupunctureI have been having a lot of calls here at Back and Bodyworks regarding infertility and acupuncture.

As early as 2008 a study was completed that included 1,366 women in the western world.  In all of the studies some women received traditional acupuncture right before or right after receiving IVF embryo transfer and the remaining women got sham acupuncture or no acupuncture at all.  The results were conclusive among the women who got acupuncture and IVF, the rates of getting pregnant were 65% higher.

Acupuncture for fertility is probably the most recognized and popular alternative treatment for those trying to get pregnant.

More and more fertility clinics are recommending acupuncture along with IVF and IUI.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) theory, it’s been said that there is no such thing as “infertility.”

The reason is because Traditional Chinese Medicine is founded on theory of balance.  A women’s inability to conceive is considered an “imbalance,” that needs to be rectified.

Generally speaking TCM treats the body’s root imbalances and the body’s symptoms of imbalance are alleviated.  This theory applies to fertility as much as any other condition.

Remember a 15 minute consultation with me, Sarah Fruetel Kansas City Acupuncturist and Chinese Medicine Master at Back and Bodyworks in free of charge.  If you would like to discuss the possibility of you being a candidate for acupuncture just give us a call at 816-420-8800 and set up a consultation.

Until next time…. may your complete body remain in balance.


Energize Your Health in 2013 – Ancient Healing Modalities For Your Future Wellness – Kansas City Massage and Acupuncture


Back and Bodyworks is holding an open house to let you experience Ancient Healing Modalities for Your Future Wellness.  They will be offering free chair massages, demonstrations on acupuncture and energy work, food, drink give-aways and more!  Go to our FACEBOOK page under events to join the event!~Screen Shot 2013-01-14 at 7.14.08 AM

Kansas City Acupuncture @Back and Bodyworks Helps Reverse Plantar Fasciitis

Call Back & Bodyworks at 816-420-8800 to schedule a free consultation with Sarah Fruetel to see if you are a candidate for acupuncture

Call Back & Bodyworks at 816-420-8800 to schedule a free consultation with Sarah Fruetel to see if you are a candidate for acupuncture

The latest research has concluded that acupuncture is an effective treatment for plantar fasciitis.

Plantar fasciitis usually presents itself as pain on the bottom of the foot and heel. Sometimes excruciating pain that doesn’t seem to be fazed by any typical type of pain reliever.

In a controlled clinical investigation a group treated with acupuncture showed siginificant reduction in foot pain compared to those treated with traditional medications.

Another recent study proved that acupuncture is an effective form of relief for plantar heel pain.

Both studies concurred that acupuncture was more successful in improving the condition over a regime of non-steroidal, anti-inflamatory medications.

If you are faced with this condition my advise is try acupuncture first before you try that steroid shot in your foot.


Back and Bodyworks Voted #1 for Massage in Kansas City’s Northland now offers Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine by Sarah Fruetel.  Sarah is also an herbalist.

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Kansas City Acupuncturist Performs Cupping at Kansas City’s Massage Location: Back and Bodyworks


Sarah Fruetel

Sarah Fruetel

Cupping is an ancient chinese medicine practice where you apply suction cups to the body. Although it may look painful, it’s actually great at relieving pain.

There are a number of theories on how cupping works to relieve pain. A widely held one is that suction on the skin increases blood flow to the area and creates a mild immune response. It also helps release fascia, connective tissue that can pull on muscles causing pain or limited motion.image-3

Another purpose of cupping is to pull blood and body fluids up to the surface of the skin, removing it from stuck areas like swollen knee joints or frozen shoulders. As a result, cupping will often produce a red or purple circle upon the skin that may take a few days to heal. These circles are only dark colored if the area that is cupped has “stuck” body fluids and blood. You should expect some circular discoloration or bruising if you are cupped. Keep in mind, this is only occurring because stuck fluids and blood congeal and act like glue, keeping joints stiff and swollen and gluing muscle fibers. These circular discolorations and bruising occur in the process of drawing these stuck fluids and blood out of injured areas – they are part of the healing process.

image-1As you improve with each treatment, the circular discolorations will become less and less red. Everyone heals at their own pace, and some of the healing will also depend on how physically active you are, how well you treat your body (diet, posture, stress levels), and how often you come to therapy. Bottom line, this is your healing process, and your treatment, so you have to honor your body and accept however long it takes to get better.

Usually the cups remain on the body for 15-20 minutes. When they are removed they leave a red circular mark. In fact Gwyneth Paltrow caused a stir when she appeared with cupping marks on her back at a movie screening in New York in 2004.

Back and Bodywork’s Sarah Fruetel does cupping and has seen amazing progress with this technique.

Happy Holidays from Back and Bodyworks Massage in Kansas City – Need Gift Ideas?

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